
Tango workshops in Brussels

Dance lessons for tango dancers

For experienced dancers

Before each Milonguita Sonja & Sven propose a workshop on different subjects.

Except for the technique classes, these classes are intended for intermediate & advanced dancers.

No time to follow weekly tango classes? No problem, BE-TANGO offers you the week-end tango experience!!

At the moment we do not organise workshops. Sign up for our newsletter below, we’ll keep you posted when we’ll be able to restart.




Theme to be announced.

Tango steps

In these workshops, we give you the essential keys to perfect specific steps. For example, the giro, lapiz, enrosque, sacada, or …

In addition, we’ll focus on connection within the dance couple. Likewise, we’ll discuss the difficulty of maintaining the balance.

Except for the technique classes, these classes are intended for intermediate & advanced dancers.

Milonga & vals

Milonga & vals (waltz) require a particular type of dancing because of the music. In other words, in these workshops we emphasize on how to dance to the music.
For instance, milonga is faster and more rhythmical. Waltz, however, is more feathery and continuous.
In short, we propose diverse exercises with movements you know.

Except for the technique classes, these classes are intended for intermediate & advanced dancers.


Here, Sonja & Sven focus on improving your technical skills.
For example: backward and forward stepping, pivoting, balance, … are one of the options.
Our mission is to help you developing body awareness. In order to do so, this class is build out of exercises which can be done individually or in pairs.

These classes are intended for all levels: from beginners to intermediate & advanced dancers.


Rue Montoyer 1
1000 Brussels


Free & easy parking in the surrounding streets.

Public transport

Metro Trône across the street.

How to register?

We have a number of limited places, therefore registration is necessary.
Consequently, register online using our registration form. Here you inform us on your name, your partner’s name and a valid mobile phone number.
However, when you do not have a dance partner, you also need to mention your age, height, dance level & the languages you speak.
As a result, we help you with your search for a dance partner.

WHY should you follow workshops at BE-TANGO?
Firstly, following workshops at BE-TANGO promises a different vision on dancing. Therefore, you might have to rethink some old ways of moving. Because of that, we ask you to have an open mind when attending. Secondly, all of them will trigger your body awareness.
And most importantly, a touch of humor is everytime included! Because the best way to learn is to have fun while doing so!

WHO are the teachers at BE-TANGO?
Sonja & Sven are the main dance teachers of the studios. From time to time, Donatienne assists the classes with Sven. All of them have the same mission. Above all, they want everyone to learn and become better in the dance. It is because of their constant drive to analyse and to master the skills, they ensure you will improve at YOUR Argentine tango.
Moreover, they work with the top of the top: Fausto Carpino, Stéphanie Fesnau, Noelia Hurtado, Carlitos Espinoza, Mariela Sametband, Moira Castellano, Gaston Torelli, etc.

Coming soon!

This article will be published soon!